Most wearable platforms like the Apple Watch, Garmin, and Fitbit are designed with a focus on fitness and workouts, rather than rest and pacing. In contrast, Visible is specifically tailored for those managing energy-limiting conditions such as Long Covid and ME/CFS.
Fitness trackers too often encourage you to do more, not less. At the core of Visible is the concept of energy budgeting, or pacing. For people living with energy-limiting illness and post-exertional malaise, this is an important symptom management strategy.
What’s more, fitness trackers are designed and optimised with healthy bodies in mind. Visible has been built from the ground up with input from thousands of people living with energy-limiting illness, and by a team with lived experience of Long Covid and ME/CFS. This means we can build tools specifically designed for illness not fitness.
For more about our mission to make invisible illness visible, take a look at our About Us page.