Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Visible designed for?
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Can I use Visible if I have POTS?
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How is Visible different from fitness trackers?
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Can I use my Apple Watch, Garmin or Fitbit with Visible?
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What data does Visible track?
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Can I track sleep?
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What is Visible’s free research app?
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When will Visible be available in my country?
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Visible Membership
What’s included in the Visible starter pack?
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Can I cancel if Visible isn’t for me?
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What if I can’t afford Visible?
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Wearable Armband
What’s the armband made out of?
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Why doesn't the armband have a screen?
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What size arms does the armband fit?
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Is the armband waterproof?
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What’s the armband’s battery life?
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Do I need a smartphone to access Visible?
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What happens to my data?
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Research Partnerships
I would love to partner with Visible, who can I contact?
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Stop guessing, start measuring.

Pace your activity, manage your symptoms and help move science forward.