This week we’ve released some small (but mighty!) improvements to improve the morning check-in.
What’s new this week?
You can now delete or retake your heart rate reading
Previously, if you were interrupted during a heart rate reading or took it at the wrong time, you were unable to retake your reading. This meant you were stuck with results which could skew your Morning Stability baseline.
With today’s update, you can now delete your heart rate readings, and retake today’s one if you need to.

Improved signal quality of heart rate readings
Until now, around 1 in 5 morning check-ins have resulted in a low quality reading. This has made the morning check-in a frustrating experience for many of you.
With the newest update we've released some improvements to the algorithm which interprets your heart beats. Now fewer than 1 in 20 readings will need to be retaken because they're low-quality, a significant improvement.
What next for the morning check-in?
Personalised normal ranges for the Morning Stability score
Each morning, the Morning Stability score lets you know whether your Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Resting Heart Rate measurements are within your “normal range”.
Currently this is calculated by taking your 14-day average, and calculating a window of typical variation either side of that average. However, the range in which your body’s signals typically fluctuate is different for each person.
That’s why soon we’ll be introducing personalised normal ranges based on your Coefficient of Variation (or CoV). This will improve the accuracy and sensitivity of the morning stability score significantly.
Improved accessibility and device support
We’re working hard to make the morning check-in more accessible, including larger fonts, better wording, fewer screens and darker colours. We’ll be overhauling the first half of the morning check-in soon. Thank you for all the feedback on this!
Anything else?
We’re currently finalising multiple research partnerships. You’ll soon be able to opt-in to share your data directly and anonymously with academics around the world.
We’re also working hard on our wearable subscription, Visible Plus. If you’re interested in getting early access, make sure you're signed up to the waitlist, which you can access from inside the Visible app.
Your support
Finally, thank you so much for all the messages we’ve received, in particular about the Morning Stability score. We listen to every bit of feedback, so please keep your thoughts coming. We will always respond.